W e l c o m e t o m y b l o g !
Hello there! This my very first venture into online blogging and it would be fair to say that I am ever so slightly nervous.
I thought my first order of business should be to introduce myself so you could get to know me a little bit better so here goes....*drum roll please*
I should probably start with my name, however I am quite a shy person by nature so lets call me.....Belle (she is my favourite Disney princess, and hey - if Beyonce can have an alter ego in the form of Sasha Fierce, then Belle is mine!)
I'm 22 years old young and reside in the sunny UK.
I'm ridiculously pale in skin colour and don't have the time/energy to fake tan constantly (although I won't lie, I do like getting my glow on for a night out!), but for my day-to-day look I think to think I've adopted a Nicola Roberts/Kristen Stewart ethereal glow..... Hey, a girl can dream..right? But seriously, I strive to try and get dewy, flawless, porcelain skin and hopefully throughout this blog journey I will find the products to help me achieve this kind of look...*hopefully*.
Also, I'd like to think I'm going to be helping out the rest of my pale skinned lovelies out there as I know how hard I find it to scour out products that don't turn you a delightful shade of orange or make you look like you've trowelled on the slap..not a good look!
So yeah...that's basically about it? Going to wrap it up now before I start rambling on & on & on & on...
Hope you enjoy reading the blog! <3